Tips for New Parents that Both Work

Jacksonville, Florida

Your little one has arrived and the first six or eight weeks with your baby have flown by. It’s time for both parents to head back to work. However, there are so many pieces of the puzzle to work out and ensure that the baby and parents are taken care of during this time. Here are some tips for new parents that both work.

Plan Ahead

There isn’t anything worse than trying to pack a diaper bag, breast pump/formula, and your work bag while listening to a crying baby. Add other factors like taking care of your pets, getting ready for your first day back to work, and ensuring that you eat something resembling breakfast – it’s a nightmare waiting to happen.

However, if you pack your bags the night before, prep your bottles ahead of time (they’re good for 12 hours refrigerated), and select clothes the night before, this will make your morning routine much smoother. You can take it a step further and plan the majority of these things on Sunday. That way your energy is spent taking care of the baby in the morning instead of rushing around.

Have Clear Communication on Expectations

You’re both learning how to navigate working and parenting. If mom is breastfeeding that is a whole learning curve all on its own. Plan on being gentle with one another and communicating to one another what you need. If mom is breastfeeding then it is extremely helpful for the partner to see if mom might need anything. Water, a snack, a book, time to herself in the shower after a feed?

Talk about household duties and who is going to be doing what and how. Six to eight weeks in you’re both exhausted and things like dinner, dishes, and laundry are likely piling up. I highly recommend looking into a cleaning team, a mother’s helper, or a family member willing to help out. Something as simple as a dinner you don’t have to think about can go a really long way during this time. If you struggle with a support system and don’t want to hire someone – then take a look at your schedules. Can one of you start the laundry in the morning and the other fold it in the evening? Can each of you be responsible for dinner 3 nights per week and agree on takeout for the seventh night?

While you’re working through figuring this out be sure to lower your standards. It’s going to take several months for life to level out and make you feel like you’ve found solid footing. Even then, your routines will need to adapt to changes along the way so be cognizant of your reality versus your expectations of your spouse and home. Knowing that each of you will need grace and room to figure things out is imperative to success.

Spend Time Together

Yes, without your baby. I know that seems impossible right now. However, getting away for an hour or two once a month for a date night will be good for everyone. Even if all the two of you do is look at pictures of your baby and text your sitter every 20 minutes, it’s good practice. This also helps the two of you stay connected during such a challenging season in your life and relationship. Your connection is important! The better in sync the two of you are, the better everything else falls into place.

Capture this time in your life

Your baby will never be this little again and babies change all of the time! So be sure to book a newborn session sooner than later. This allows us plenty of time to schedule your photoshoot within the first few weeks of life and before you head back to work. This time will only happen once for this baby and you’ll want to look back on this time and remember as many details as possible.

From their nursery, to how many rolls their legs had, to the bond you felt while feeding, to the way your partner looks at the two of you. There are so many moments that change and shift as your baby get older that it’s important to capture them early and often.

If you’re expecting we recommend booking your newborn photoshoot no later than 33-36 weeks ahead of time. You can find more information on our lifestyle newborn photoshoots here.

Newborn baby swaddled in blanket in a baby crib
Newborn baby being held by first time parents
Mother and daughter snuggled nose to nose with one another
Daddy holding his daughter and giving her kisses
Newborn daughter being held by mother
Parents cuddled up with new baby girl in their bedroom

Tips for New Parents that Both Work

  • Plan ahead with everything you can. Outfits, diaper bag, meals, chores.
  • Have clear communication on who is doing what and when. Will you hire help? Create a schedule?
  • Spend time with just the two of you.
  • Capture this time in your life!

These first few months spent with your baby are going to be the most precious and challenging months of your life. But they will also be the months you think about as your toddler is making you want to pull your hair out.

Looking for a newborn photographer in Jacksonville, Florida – you have found her! Click here to connect with Angelica from Pompy Portraits!

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